Color on Campus

My final project for my “Writing in/for Digital Environments” class. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


Author: taipeikid

I will totally update my about me page so that it's quippy but refreshing, and super informative.

One thought on “Color on Campus”

  1. That was extraordinary Des! To start I really need to tell that I really appreciated and loved the B&Wish scenes that turned into Color ones in the middle, very representative and metaphoric of the topic but also reminded me of some Dystopian movies or those scenes about somebody loosing his/her memory, etc. Colors are so important in movies and these techniques really help to make some points clearer, thanks to their symbolic value! Also, the video-interview worked way better than your first idea! It gives more emphasis and respect to the topic discussed! Great set of questions, too! At last, I found the video really on point considering what is going on around our campus and in other colleges around the country!


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